初中课程 Middle School Curriculum
SSM-SZ Middle School Curriculum
Structure: National Compulsory Curriculum; SSM American Curriculum; Chinese Culture Curriculum
Idea: The Middle School Curriculum is built upon the strong foundation of the objectives of the Chinese National Compulsory Curriculum.In order to prepare for the transition to an American Curriculum in High School, there will be additional coursework in English academic reading, writing, and speaking. The objectives of the National Compulsory Curriculum will be met and within the coursework there will be an emphasis on Chinese Culture.Also, students will learn critical thinking skills, discussion and debate techniques, leadership skills, as well as be introduced to adopting international perspective on local and global issues in personal life and society.
Curriculum aims:
Emphasis on traditions:
The Chinese Compulsory Curriculum will lay a solid foundation of subject knowledge
he cultural legacy and heritage of traditional Chinese culture will nurture the students to become critical thinkers and compassionate citizens and leaders who uphold Chinese virtues in a global society that embraces and respects multiculturalism
Embracing the American values of student-centered learning as well as placing an emphasis on innovation, creativity, and experimentation will ignite the passion within our students to fulfill their individual potential for success. We hope the students can inherit the traditional virtues of Chinese nation but also be exposed to advanced American thinking and ideas.
Building a bridge to the American High School Curriculum:
The emphasis on English Language Learning and the introduction of the SSM American Curriculum and teaching styles inMiddle School best prepares our students for the skills and dispositions they will need to be successful in a High School and top universities throughout the world.
Inspiring Innovation and Creativity:
除了重视传统外,我们在科学方面采用STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering,Arts,Maths.)课程。旨在激发好奇的天性和主动探索能力;培养孩子各方面技能和认识能力;在动手实践过程中培养创新意识;引导同伴之间的合作和强调解决问题的能力;重视对跨文化理解能力的培养;创造机会让孩子去发展辩证性和创造性思维。
By emphasizing and taking an integrated approach to teaching STEAM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering,Arts and Mathematics), the curriculum aims to inspire curiosity, cultivate skills and cognitive ability, stimulate creativity and in the process of practice, improve students’ abilities to cooperate with each other and solve problems. The desired result is the cultivation of cross-cultural understandings and the development of critical and creative thinking.
Compulsory Curriculum: We will meet China’s requirements for curriculum in compulsory education. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and other science subjects will be taught primarily by Chinese teachers, and foreign teachers will teach modules within the coursework in order to develop students’ understanding of American terminology and scientific thinking at an earlier stage in preparation for High School and College study.
Chinese and English: American textbooks will be used for English classes which will be taught by native speaker of English so that students’ basic vocabulary, reading, writing and other skills will be enhanced. Chinese Literature courses will emphasize classical Chinese prose and poetry as well as selections from the Four Books and Five Classics to ensure the cultivation of students’ understanding of Chinese culture
Mathematics: Mathematics courses will ensure that students achieve the understanding of concepts and learning included in the Chinese Compulsory Curriculum as well as introduce a Western educational approach toward building mathematical thinking ability.
Science: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology will be taught primarily by Chinese teachers and foreign teachers will supplement the course by teaching modules and units to familiarize Middle School students with western teaching pedagogy and academic nomenclature. The curriculum emphasizes students’ practical ability and encourages them to comprehend through creating and to learn through understanding.
人文与社会:在义务教育课程的框架下,通过历史、地理、政治系列课程,采用PBL(Project Based Learning)项目学习法,培养学生的人文素养,及多元文化理解力,认识力,感知力,批判性思维等。
Humanities and Society: Within the framework of the Chinese National Middle School Curriculum in subject areas that address, history, geography, politics, and personal development, we will adopt Project Based Learning(PBL) strategy to cultivate students’ attainment of knowledge about humanities and society as well as enhance their understanding of multiculturalism and develop cognition and critical thinking skills.
Arts and PE: Arts and PE will be taught by foreign teachers. The curriculum will adopt American values of teamwork and athletic skill development in PE.The Arts will focus attention on the cultivation of students' ability express creativity and develop aesthetic sensitivity.
Tongchuan Academy Curriculum: Calligraphy; Tai Chi; Tea Culture; Meditation.
中国陶瓷制作与鉴赏Pottery making and appreciation
剪纸 Chinese Paper Cutting
风筝制作 Chinese Kite Making
文化游学与夏令营 Cultural trips and summer camps
SSM American Curriculum:
weCreate® Studios for 2017-18 (proposed)
In the first year, we plan to develop at least four weCreate® Studios that will be based on drawing, digital media, robotics, writing, and possibly design. Based on student interest and the individual talents and interests of the teaching staff we may offer fewer or more centers that the ones listed above. Future weCreate® Studios may include
Drama 戏剧
Speech 演讲
Video editing 视频编辑
Fashion design 时尚设计
Lighting and animation 灯光和动画
Architecture 建筑设计
Graphic design 图像设计
Performance 表演
E-design 电子设计
Digital photography 数码摄影
高中课程 High School Curriculum
Grade 10 Academic Curriculum
我们是一个尊重历史,拥抱创新的全球学习共同体,通过培养学生的创造性和独立思考能力, 将他们塑造成适应瞬息万变时代,具有国际视野的新一代中国公民。
We are a global learning community that honors tradition while embracing innovation. By cultivating creative, independent thinking, we foster the transformation of our students to become citizens of integrity for an ever-changing world.
Courses of Study
To prepare our students for study abroad, our Grade 10 coursework helps students to build a strong foundation in English, Mathematics and Science, make the transition to academic English immersion, and continue the study of Chinese literature. In Grade 11 and 12, we offer a greater variety of courses to allow students both to explore their academic strengths and support their weaknesses. Our course offerings provide a dynamic and innovative curriculum plan that not only prepares students to obtain college admissions at the selective colleges of their dreams but also prepares them to succeed in college and life.
Students should carefully consider course selections, and make choices based on their interests and abilities. Students should seek advice from their advisors and parents, only make commitments they intend to keep, and then put forth their very best efforts once the coursework begins. Students and parents alike should know that they can choose to sign-up for as many Advanced Placement courses as they desire within the limits of the registration form, and the Administration, the student's advisors, the student’s parents, and the College Counselors will play an important role in advising the student in these selections. All points of view will be considered, but it will be the AP subject teachers and the Administration who make the final decision about student schedules. Likewise, it is possible that a student may desire a course that will not be able to fit into his or her daily schedule. Therefore, it is extremely important that students select alternate choices carefully.
10th Grade Student Standard Course of Study
English 10: Academic Writing, Academic Writing (Accelerated), Critical Reading, Chemistry, Physics, Pre-Calculus, Chinese Language, and Physical Education.
English 10: Academic Writing
10年级学术写作课程为期一年,培养学生的批判性思维、修辞手法、学术词汇和语法。课程的框架建立在实践之上,而不是依赖于机械的练习和作业。不管是西方诗歌、文学和科学论文,还是中篇小说和短篇故事,都有助于加强学生的英语基础,帮助他们理解如何将词汇和语法作为读写艺术的工具。通过本课程,学生将会完成和修改至少25篇学术段落,2篇论文,阅读至少60篇期刊和论坛条目,所有这些都会有老师进行评论和评估。美国现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)的相关标准和体系也会在课程中有所体现。
The English 10 Academic Writing is a yearlong that course introduces and nurtures critical thinking, rhetorical writing, academic vocabulary, and content-driven grammar. Authentic practice serves as the framework of the course, rather than relying on drills and worksheets. Western poetry, literary and scientific essays, a portion of a novella, and several short stories help students develop and strengthen English language fundamentals, as well as to develop an understanding of how one uses vocabulary and grammar as purposeful tools in the art and craft of reading and writing for meaning and purpose. By the end of the course, each student will have written and revised more than 25 academic response paragraphs, two thesis-driven essays, and more than 60journal and forum entries, all of which are given full instructor commentary and assessment. MLA documentation fundamentals are taught and practiced.
English 10: Academic Writing (Accelerated)
10年级英语学术写作课程为期一年,培养学生的批判性思维、修辞手法、学术词汇和语法。课程的基础是实践。西方的诗歌、论文和文章,以及长篇小说(如《简爱》《傲慢与偏见》《李尔王》《草叶集》《大河恋》),这些作品能够拓展学生对文学和英美诗歌、散文的认知。通过本课程,学生将会完成和修改10篇学术段落,15到20篇论文,3篇对高阶文章的注释,一些文献的引用,36篇论坛和期刊文章,所有这些都会有老师进行评论和评估。美国现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)的相关标准和体系也会在课程中有所体现。
English 10: Academic Writing (Accelerated) is a yearlong course that introduces, nurtures, and further develops skills in critical thinking, formal discussion, rhetorical writing, academic vocabulary, and content-driven grammar. Authentic practice is the basis of the course. Western poetry, essays and articles, and longer texts (Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, “King Lear,” a generous selection of “Leaves of Grass,” Maclean's A River Runs Through It) help students continue to expand their foundational knowledge of classic and beloved English and American poetry and prose. By the end of the class, students will have written and revised ten academic response paragraphs, fifteen to twenty thesis-driven academic essays, three complete annotations of advanced texts, several Works Cited, and three dozen forum and journal entries, all of which receive full instructor commentary and assessment. MLA documentation is taught and practiced.
English 10: Critical Reading
Students enrolled in this yearlong class will focus on critical analysis of both fiction and non-fiction texts. Some key components of this class include: understanding and identification of plot, theme, characterization, and other literary elements in fiction; understanding and identification of thesis statement, argument, and other elements of persuasion in non-fiction; enhancing vocabulary to help students make concise and effective arguments; rigorous reading schedules (including silent, sustained reading away from the classroom) to aid in English acquisition. Students in this class will write and practice revision of their own writing as well as that of their classmates. This class works in conjunction with English 10: Academic Writing, also taught at SSM-Suzhou.
This yearlong thorough, introductory course in Pre-Calculus combines all required techniques and best practice in problem-solving strategies in trigonometry, geometry, and algebra designed to prepare students for advanced calculus and Advanced Placement Calculus AB and / or BC. From strengthening the students’ understanding of problems as well as their reasoning abilities in mathematics, the students should be fully prepared to handle advanced mathematics with ease.
Advanced Chemistry
This advanced introductory yearlong course in high school chemistry is designed to engage students in the lively study of chemistry (the study of matter) via active course and laboratory work. The main topics of: Matter and measurement, Atoms, molecules and ions, Chemical reactions and reaction stoichiometry, Reactions in aqueous solution, Thermochemistry, Electronic structure of atoms, Periodic properties of the elements, Basic concepts of chemical bonding theories, Gases, Liquids and intermolecular forces, Solids and modern materials, Properties of solutions, Chemical kinetics, Chemical equilibrium, Acid-base equilibria, Additional aspects of aqueous equilibria, Chemistry of the environment, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemistry of the nonmetals, Transition metals and coordination chemistry, and The chemistry of life: organic and biological chemistry. In the end, students should be prepared to take Advanced Placement Chemistry as well as the chemistry SAT 2 in Chemistry.
Advanced Placement Chemistry
(permission of the instructor required)
Advance Placement Chemistry is a lab-intensive descriptive college-level chemistry course designed to prepare students for the newly revised Advanced Placement Chemistry examination and curriculum. Students will cover the Big Ideas of the new Advanced Placement syllabus established in 2014 which emphasizes that students be able to do more than write reactions and do calculations, they must master a fundamental and basal understanding of what is happening chemically at the particulate level. Extensive inquiry-based lab work will support their preparation for the AP exam.
Advanced Physics
Advanced Physics is a yearlong course designed to prepare students for SAT 2 in Physics as well as the AP Physics 1-2 and C courses. Using the conceptual physics approach adapted from the most-used, high school physics book in the United States, students will cover all of the major topics of physics. There will be a high degree of laboratory work to help bring the concepts to life and give students the opportunity to become both familiar with safe use and good laboratory practice.
Advanced Placement Physics 1
(Year-long) (offered in 2017-2018) (permission of the instructor required)
AP物理1是一门基于代数的物理课程。课程的主要内容来自于美国大学理事会(The College Board)在AP物理1中所列出的专题,大多数在力学范围之内。学生首先会学习物理概念,之后再用数学去进一步阐明概念。本课的6大概念和7大科学实践将贯穿于整个课程的10大主题之间。在实验室中,学生将调查有关物理原理的问题,主要使用游标传感器和设备来收集数据,所使用的参考书为《高级物理与游标-力学》(Advanced Physics with Vernier – Mechanics)。
AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based physics course. The course topics are taken from those the College Board has listed for the Advanced Placement Physics 1 Course, and are mostly within the subject of Mechanics. Physics will mostly be taught conceptually at first, before using the math to elucidate the concepts further. The 6 big ideas and the 7 scientific practices will be referred to throughout the course as the 10 different main topics are studied. In lab, students will investigate questions about principles of physics mostly using Vernier Sensors and equipment to collect data. The AP Physics® 1 correlated lab investigations from the book, Advanced Physics with Vernier – Mechanics will be used for most of the labs.
Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature is a yearlong course that will explore the Chinese Classics and Modern Chinese writers as well as introduce the poetry and prose of Jin Tianhe also knows as Jin Songcen. Readings will be taken from the Four Books and Five Classics, the novellas, poems, and essays of Jin Tianhe, and other important literary figures in ancient and modern Chinese literature.
Physical Education
Physical Education will be offered in the form of health and fitness and introductions sports and games that are popular in American and Chinese culture. Students will learn about promoting their own health and fitness as well as engage in a variety of sports at the instructional level. Students will learn the fundamentals of such sports as track and field, baseball, badminton, tennis, golf, archery, volleyball, and basketball. Opportunities to learn about and try and learn American leisure sports and games will also be included with the goal of promoting life-long fitness.
Ethics is a semester long course that will consider moral and ethical questions from a variety of cultural perspectives. Students will explore the social norms, traditions, and beliefs that inform many people’s choices and views. The course does not seek to promote one point of view over another, but instead the course will help students to consider social, moral, and ethical dilemmas from a variety of perspectives with the goal of achieving a sympathetic understanding of differing points of view and considering multiculturalism and internationalism as a framework for understanding global issues in the economy, society, and the environment.