About US苏州工业园区领科海外教育学校已有五届近300名毕业生全部被国外知名大学录取,其中70%的学生进入了世界排名前100位的一流大学。学校借助大学为邻、大师为伍的资源优势,发挥强大的中外教团队作用,开设26门考试课程和多种素质培养课程,提供周到贴心的升学服务,培养学生成为具有“中国情怀、国际视野、博雅致远“的国际化人才。
课程设置:Curriculum Setting
Based on years of experience and the characteristics of Chinese students, the school has set up and built a scientifically rich A-Level curriculum system and opened 26 examination subjects, so that students can flexibly choose the appropriate curriculum combination according to their academic interests, career direction and learning ability. To enhance students’ comprehensive academic ability and competitiveness in further studies.
The introduction of science and technology innovation center
创建科技高中,培养创新人才,是领科教育的办学特色。科创中心按功能分5个实验室:1. 机电制造与工程2. 计算机与人工智能3. 自动化与机器人4. 媒体与设计5. 分析测试中心
The characteristics of Ulink Education Group is to establish a science and technology high school and cultivate the practical talents. The sci-tech innovation center is grouped into five labs by the functionality. 1. Mechanical and Electrical Manufacturing and Engineering 2. Computer and Artificial Intelligence 3. Automation and Robotics 4. Media and Design 5. Analysis and Testing Center
目的和作用 Objectives and Functions:
On one hand, we encourage students to explore the cross-disciplinary project learning via the PBL platform, and we hope to lighten their curiosity and creativity, foster the innovative ability and provide the opportunity to creation by their hands and minds. On the other hand, we bring college professors to teach at Ulink the customized courses of university levels and launch the “Master’s Studio” to help students learn in depth and work on the thesis. All we have done is to add the background and improve the competitiveness when they apply for universities.
In addition, the school is also collaborating with the Cold Spring Harbor Asian Genetic Learning Center to conduct bio-genetic courses;
Conducted mathematical modeling projects and chemical aspirin synthesis experiments with Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University;
A four-dimensional book production &VR project that works with Dreamer Technology;
Interdisciplinary projects in physics, chemistry, and biology were established with the Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology of Xi’an Jiaotong University.
2017年8月31日,我校基于MIT课程体系的Fablab课程/ FAB Academy,与上海同济大学设计创意学院“数制工坊”合作,引进美国Fablab全套实验室设备,经Fablab组织认证并授牌,为学生开设实验室课程,提供创新与实践的平台。
In August 31st, 2017, based on the Fablab curriculum from the MIT, we introduced entire set of US Fablab equipment with the cooperation of Fablab of Design and Creation College, Tongji University. The lab courses we set for students are certified and granted by Fablab and offer a platform for innovation and practice.