时间: 2020-03-23 来源: 中加枫华国际学校



枫华BC课程之Social Studies

Since we heard about the possibility of moving to online classes because of the coronavirus outbreak I have done a lot of reflection on my teaching practices, style and implementation of information. As a Social Studies teacher with three different classes this has proven to be a major task which requires constant change and adaptations. At first I thought it was going to be much easier staying at home and delivering my lessons in a comfortable environment. However, it quickly came to my attention that teaching online takes a lot more work and effort especially with our students learning a second language。To engage students I have zoom question and answer sessions twice a week. Furthermore, I have made myself available on WeChat to answer any additional questions which sometimes extends late into the evening. Also, I have had to learn to use Moodle in new ways for quizzes, forums and assignments. This has forced me to get out of comfort zone and learn new ways to deliver content and assessments. Another tool I have used is video recording of lessons  to help deliver information similar to a regular classroom. From my student feedback it seems that these methods have helped to minimize stress and feelings of hopelessness. Giving feedback on learning has been the most difficult as I like to write or have conversations with students about what can be improved such as paragraph writing.
I truly miss going to school and interacting with my students in a face to face manner and seeing the enjoyment and engagement. This is a very difficult time for everyone but teachers are trying their best to help educator our students and be available. When I went to teachers college we never learned about how to conduct a full course online and this has been a lot of trial and error with new technologies, software and lesson delivery. This is not an ideal learning environment but we all need to remember to be safe and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. We will all get through this time and look towards the end goal of educating our future generation leaders.


高三最难课程之一微积分!Miss Fox的内学课系统上,清晰明了地安排好学生们的一周课程以及作业要求和自学内容,把这个学期的教学进度都整理出来,给修这门颇有难度的微积分课程划出了学习的线路图。

BC的双语教师也在时时刻刻为同学们答疑解惑,指点迷津,还跨界做了“学科主播”,挑战着一个新的世界!循序渐进,逻辑清晰,耐心地应用GRASS method策略G-given(已知条件),R-required (未知条件),A-analysis(分析),S-solution(解答过程),S-statement(陈述),来帮助学生对不同类型的题目做应对策略。网课的学习,也给老师们一个不断更新自己、给自己充电的机会。






