威雅公学A Level考试再创佳绩 毕业生进入世界一流大学
时间: 2019-08-19 来源: 威雅公学
Wycombe Abbey pupils are celebrating their A Level successes, with the school maintaining a high pass rate of 96%in our traditional subjects. With over a quarter of all entries gaining the highest A* and A grades in these subjects.
威雅公学的学生们正在庆祝他们在A Level考试中取得的成功。今年,我们在传统学科上继续保持了96%的高通过率,除此以外,我们在超过1/4的考试中取得了A*和A的成绩。

James Waddington, Head of Sixth Form said, “Results day is always an exciting day. I am delighted for our pupils who have received the rewards for working hard and having a dedicated approach across a broad range of subjects, as the examination board Edexcel noted when we received their award in 2018.” 
威雅公学高年级主管James Waddington先生说道:“放榜日总是最令人兴奋的一天。我为学生们感到高兴,正如培生爱德斯考试中心在2018年授予我们‘最佳学科建设奖’时提到的那样,威雅公学的学生们努力学习,在广泛的学科中投入精力,并取得了好成绩!”

C. Guo, a School prefect, was celebrating his 4 A*s and 1 A grade as well as an A* grade in the EPQ. As part of his EPQ the school coordinated his working at Changzhou University where he synthesized Ibuprofen as part of his project. As part of a busy boarding school he was successfully involved in the World Scholar’s Cup Tournament of Champions, held at Yale University. He will go on to study Chemistry at Imperial College London next year.
年级长C. Guo取得了4门A*和1门A的优异成绩,并在课外研究项目(EPQ)中也取得了A*的好成绩。作为EPQ项目的一部分,学校支持他前往常州大学完成了“合成布洛芬”的独立研究项目。作为繁忙的寄宿生活的一部分,他成功参与了在耶鲁大学举行的世界学者杯冠军决赛。如今,他即将去往帝国理工大学学习化学专业。

G. Huster embraced our Saturday academic enrichment program and attended all trips and tours available, including leading the Scuba Society in 2018/19. He twice attended the World Scholar’s Cup Tournament of Champions, winning a high number of medals for his contributions. His 3 A*s and 2 As mean that he will be reading Natural Sciences at the world-renowned University of Cambridge. He said “I am feeling great. All the hard work has paid off. I’ve been working towards these target grades for two years and it feels fantastic to achieve them. Every time I had a problem, teachers would always give up their time to support me which is something I am incredibly grateful for.”
G. Huster 积极参与了学校的学术增益课程和学校所有的户外项目,其中包括他领导的2019年海外潜水项目。他曾两次参加世界学者杯比赛并成功晋级全球总决赛,他凭借出色的表现赢得了数枚奖牌。他在A Level考试中取得了3门A*和2门A的优异成绩,并将去往举世闻名的剑桥大学就读自然科学专业。G. Huster说:“我感觉很棒!所有的努力都得到了回报。我为这一刻努力准备了两年,现在终于实现了,这感觉真的很奇妙!每当我遇到问题的时候,我的老师们总是甘愿牺牲自己的时间来帮助我,这一点我非常感激。”

J. Zhang part of the Prefect team at Wycombe Abbey, was congratulated on receiving his three A*s. “I am delighted with my results. I’ve really enjoyed my time at Wycombe Abbey. There is a great atmosphere and studying here has made me more confident as all my classmates have worked together to help each other achieve.” He will be going onto the University of Manchester to study Physics with Theoretical Physics.
J. Zhang是威雅公学年级长团队的一员,在今年的A Level考试中他获得了3门A*。他说:“我对自己的成绩感到满意。我真的非常享受在威雅公学度过的这段时光。这里学习和生活的氛围很好,在这里的学习经历让我变得更加自信了,因为我和所有的同学一起努力奋斗,互相帮助。”他即将进入曼彻斯特大学学习理论物理专业。

For C. Wang, it is the end of a wonderful final school year. She started the year on the Borealis Expedition in Iceland and has ended the year departing to the university of her choice. As the Head of School, she led the Senior Prefect Team. She says “I’m proud of my results! I am so grateful to my teachers for being so helpful throughout my time at Wycombe Abbey. I’ve been so happy to have the experience of being Head of School, it has taught me some great leadership skills which I will use at university.” Following her results that included an A* in Fine Art, she will attend the University of Edinburgh.
对于C. Wang来说,在威雅公学的最后一年尤其精彩,她的这一学年在冰岛探险中拉开帷幕,又以去往心仪的大学为结尾。她在这一学年还担任了学生总长,领导了高年级年级长团队。她说:“对于这次的成绩,我感到非常自豪!我特别想感谢在威雅公学学习期间帮助过我的所有老师。我也很荣幸能够拥有担任学生总长的经历,我从中锻炼了自己的领导能力,这也将帮助我在大学更好地发挥这些能力!”祝贺C. Wang在A Level艺术学科中取得了A*的好成绩,并将去往爱丁堡大学。

We celebrate our pupils who have gained entry to study at: 

- University of Cambridge

- Imperial College London

- Kings College London

- University of the Arts, London

- University of East Anglia

- University of Edinburgh

- University of Liverpool

- University of Loughborough

- University of Manchester

- University of Melbourne, Australia

- University of Newcastle

- University of Reading

- Purdue University, USA

- Sheffield Hallam University

- School of African and Oriental Studies, London

The Headmaster of Wycombe Abbey, Changzhou, Mr. David Griffiths, said, “I would like to congratulate our Upper Sixth pupils on their achievements. They have done themselves proud. Embracing and balancing the academic challenges of Sixth Form life while making the most of the wider opportunities available to them. Gaining entry to the very best Universities, as many of our pupils have done, requires more than just academic grades. I am proud of them all.”
常州威雅公学校长David Griffiths先生说道:“我由衷祝贺我们的毕业生所取得的优异成绩,他们也应该为自己的成就而骄傲。高年级学生不仅需要勇于接受并平衡各种学术挑战,同时需要充分利用更广泛的机会,在校园生活的各个方面付出承诺、耐心和不懈努力。所以,正如我们学生做到的一样,想要进入全球最好的大学,需要的不仅仅是优异的学业成绩而已。我为所有学生感到骄傲!”
