时间: 2019-08-16 来源: 威雅公学
威雅公学夏校的学生们十分喜欢使用艺术部的新印刷机,同时学习针刻、凹版印刷工艺。他们尝试了用不同的技术给印刷品上色,包括使用擦拭技术,即在印版上色时加入彩色墨水,将彩色纸巾夹在印版和印刷品之间进行印刷。我们还提供了水粉画技巧和色彩混合课程,学生们临摹了Cézanne的作品《Card Players paintings(玩纸牌的人)》,以及Frida Khalo’的自画像。


Pupils have enjoyed using the Art Departments new printing press whilst learning the dry point, intaglio printing process. They experimented with different techniques for adding colour to their prints, included wiping techniques, where coloured ink is introduced as the plate is inked up and chine collé, where coloured tissue paper is sandwiched between the plate and the print. There were classes on gouache painting techniques and colour mixing in which pupils made transcriptions of Cézanne’s, Card Players paintings and Frida Khalo’s, Self Portraits.

Pupils are now working on an art work over a more sustained period of time using their choice of the materials they have learnt about so far on the Summer School Art course, collage, gouache painting and dry point print. They are working hard to ensure they show the very best of their art work in the Summer School Art Exhibition. 
