时间: 2019-07-04 来源: 威雅公学

早在今年三月,常州大学批准威雅公学英制十三年级的C. Guo到常州大学进行他的课外研究项目(EPQ),学校也为他安排了实验时间。C. Guo的EPQ项目主题为“合成布洛芬”,这是一种复杂的有机化学物质,大学实验室的设备能够为此项目提供更好的帮助。非常感谢科学部的陈老师特别联络到她的大学导师李老师促成了这次合作,为威雅公学与常州大学之间首次成果颇丰的合作奠定了坚实的基础。希望此项目能促成两方更加广泛和深入的合作,让威雅公学的学生们能有机会体验到真正的大学实验室。

In March C. Guo (Y13) was given permission to do his EPQ project at Changzhou University as the school had agreed a time for him to do his experiment. He had decided to make Ibuprofen a complicated organic chemical which was much easier prepared using the universities equipment. Thanks to Ms Chen the science technician’s contact with her former university mentor Mr Li everything was set up for a fruitful first collaboration between WAIS and Changzhou University. Hopefully these first steps will lead to a more wide ranging collaboration allowing more opportunities for WAIS pupils to experience a real university science laboratory.
