时间: 2019-05-23 来源: 美国诺科上海分校

  在这回暖的五月中旬,美国诺科学校上海分校再次举办了一年一度温暖人心的白象义卖活动。本次活动的主题为Love & Sharing,十分贴切地呼应了诺科爱己及人,与善为伍的价值观。每个班的同学都精心设计了三件T恤,在学校廊道进行展示义卖。义卖所得款项将一如既往地用于帮助有困难的人们。

  Student Group 1
  In this charity bazaar,we drew three clothes to sell for raising the money for people in need. We designed three T-shirts inspired by the recent superhero blockbuster Avengers: Endgame. In the movie, the hero Iron Man showed his great spirit and profound love for his family. His self-sacrifice really touched every one of us. We considered that this could be a coincident expression of love and sharing. So we decided to design a series of clothes by using the elements of the Iron Man.
  Student Group 2

  My charity T-shirt theme was love and protection, inspired by a public service announcement I saw on YouTube. A young porpoise mother is taken by a fishing boat to a performing aquarium where her little baby, despite the care of other surviving members, can hardly forget its mum's death and finally dies because of depressed pain. 

      At the end there is a long shot of tragedy. In the boundless sea floating a small body, several sharks scramble to eat it. After watching this, my heart tremble since I love animals so much, from the cat downstairs to the endangered life in the wild, and always do my best to help them as much as I can.

  The white T-shirt in front of me became the canvas of my theme, and as I loved Impressionist paintings, I completed drawing the T-shirt with the combination of impressionist element. The sun on the front is a symbol of strength, giving animal protectors enough fight to resist the disguised abuse of animal performance, while the shirt sleeves are written in eleven languages combined with the red heart element to protect the word. It is a kind of love and care for animals. On the contrary, it has exclusive logo and famous saying about caring for animals. It is simple but full of connotation. It is the creation of combination of classic and popular elements.
  Student Group 3
  In the middle of our T-Shirt, we can see a huge hand holding a bottle of Coca Cola. We choose Coca Cola as our main logo because the slogan of it is: sharing happiness. When you got loved, you will feel beatific and want to share happiness with others, so this slogan is very similar to the theme of this event: love and sharing.
  Around the Coca Cola, there are several vogue brands, such as Supreme, DC, Marvel and Nike. Which means that the vogue brands and Coca Cola are making progress together and sharing happiness. Therefore, our T-Shirt is a co-branded T-Shirt.
  Student Group 4
  I love the sentence from Marc Levy: As teenagers, we always dreamed of leaving our parents. And another day, the parents left us. “So we can only dream of, can have a moment, return to the alien parents under the eaves of the child, to hug them and tell them not to be shy, we love them, in order to make their own peace of mind and cling to them. In fact, the best memories in the moment, in front of us, and it will be the best time of life.” Also, friendship is so important to me as well. SpongeBob and Patrick are one of the best examples to explain. SpongeBob said: Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I’d rather be an idiot than losing you. ” So this is the reason why we draw these two picture on our T-shirts.
  Student Group 5
  I’m trying to connect the idea of love and death together on my T-shirt. We are afraid of being dead because death makes people sad, while we enjoy being loved because love makes us feel hopeful. The combination of the two will make a stark contrast. But sometimes, the word “death” means “love”, while “love” actually means something negative. For example, fans always say “I’m dying” when they see the pictures of their idols to express their love for their idols. In this sense, I think we can put LOVE and DEATH together.
  In the front of the T-shirt, I painted the heart, which represents Love, and the ribs, which represent Death. The ribs I painted are inspired by a dress in the Gucci Cruise 2019 fashion show. To make my meaning more explicit, I dotted the ribs with a poem about love and death written by William Blake. In the back, I drew the heart with an eye, which represents the holiness of the heart. And to make my T-shirt cooler and prettier, I used pearls, buttons, lace and SWAROVSKI diamonds from the cookie box for decorations.
