时间: 2019-10-09 来源: 上海协和双语高级中学古北校区
When it comes to improving the comprehensive ability of students, SUIS Gubei not only provides us with a wide variety of instrumental courses but also many other peripatetic classes that promote learning both in and out of the classroom. With the help of some of the most prestigious teachers worldwide, these peripatetic classes have helped us reach new heights of diversity and excellence. 

The lucky members of the SUIS Gubei conducting class had the amazing opportunity recently to conduct the Huangpu Student Philharmonic Orchestra to play the traditional Chinese song, LiangXiao.

It was an inspiring experience. After studying conducting for one year, the process was still a nerve-wracking experience since it was our first time to stand in front of a professional orchestra. Although we did not have long to prepare and some mistakes were made, these out-of-school activities still provided growth in ways that classroom activities could not. We are all very grateful for this opportunity.
