时间: 2019-04-19 来源: 上师大附二外
上师大附二外美高部本周举行升旗仪式暨颁奖典礼,教务长Mr. Trevor Wattrus围绕“如何成为一名有影响力的人”和“期中考试动员”两大主题发表讲演。

After playing the national anthem and raising the national flag at this week's flag-raising ceremony, the Academic Director, Mr. Trevor Wattrus, gave a speech on two main topics: how to make a difference in life and how to prepare for the mid-term exam.


Mr. Wattrus首先定义什么是“关爱”。接着,他用“把手从水中抽离所留下的痕迹”这个例子,来说明人们在生活中所能产生的影响。然后,Mr. Wattrus从两个方面引导我们如何成为一名有影响力的人:一是通过给予善意、支持等,促成自身与他人的改变;二是要有激励他人的能力,能不受周遭消极事物的影响,始终保持积极心态;最后,呼吁同学们在生活中、学习上用这两种方法去关爱他人、激励他人,积极对待各种困难,成为一名有影响力的人!

Mr. Wattrus firstly defined what caring was; then, using the example of the empty space left in water when one removes one’s hand, the fact that there is no space illustrates that doing a job well doesn’t really make a difference. How can we really make a difference? We can do it by practicing the act of giving, and by being an inspiration to others. When we give what is really needed, we start to make a difference in our world. Secondly, we inspire by remining positive, when we are surrounded by negative things. He called on students in their daily life, to use these two methods to care for others, inspire others, to actively deal with all kinds of difficulties, and to become an influential person!

讲演结束后,Mr. Wattrus为参加了由芝加哥大学举办的模拟联合国大会的19名同学颁发证书,崔校长为组织和指导本次活动的Ms. La Forest和李跃超老师颁发证书,并合影留念。

After that, Mr. Wattrus presented certificates to the 19 students who attended the Model United Nations Conference held by the university of Chicago. Vice Principal Cui also presented certificates to Ms. La Forest and Mr. Jacky Li who organized and directed the activity.

