常州威雅公学 | 从艺术展中汲取灵感
时间: 2019-09-16 来源: 威雅公学
新学年伊始,常州威雅公学高年级选修艺术的学生参观了上海的美术馆和博物馆。我们的参观之旅从龙美术馆开始,学生们欣赏了马克·布拉德福克(Mark Bradford)名为《洛杉矶》的作品展,他的创作灵感源自于洛杉矶地图。紧接着,学生们欣赏了充满中国传统艺术之美的扬州画派作品展《不羁》,以及让-吕克·米蓝的创新摄影展《天堂之秋》。


学生们在这趟艺术之旅中体验到了如此丰盛的艺术作品,这是何其幸运。我们很好奇这些经历将给他们的A Level项目带来怎样的启发,并期待他们在自己的作品中探索新的灵感。

Our Sixth Form Art pupils started the new school year with a Trip to the Art Galleries and Museums in Shanghai. We began in the Long Museum with Mark Bradford’s abstract and heavily textured paintings based on maps of Los Angeles. Pupils then compared this to the traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting of the Yangzhou School and Jean-Luc Mylayne’s innovative photography. Next, moved to the Yuz Museum where pupils removed their shoes to interact with many of the contemporary art works in the group show “Nine Journeys Through Time”, they also explored Ni Youyu’s beautiful, exquisitely crafted ‘de-temporary’ assemblages and ‘Duet’, a retrospective of Tan Ping’s modern painting and installation work. We finished the day off with a range of exciting multimedia exhibitions at the Power Long Museum including ‘One if by Land’ and ‘Over and Over Again’.

Our pupils were incredibly lucky to experience such a broad and rich range of art works in one trip and I look forward to seeing how these experiences inspire their A Level projects, helping them to explore new ideas for their own work.   
