上海高藤致远创新学校践行“Be Proactive积极主动”的主题,来自11年级的三位同学,张同学、汤同学和江同学全程主持升旗仪式,同时分享了他们对于“积极主动”的见解,精彩生动又不失俏皮。随后,我们对一周以来具有积极主动行为的孩子进行通报表扬,当然不限于口头奖励,每月末放纵一次的奶茶炸鸡喂饱他们~~每一个孩子的面容上,我们看到了希望,积极主动的种子也在学生的身上不断生根发芽,我们旨在鼓励更多的孩子用积极主动的心态面对学习和生活。接下来让我们一起回顾周一晨会的精彩瞬间吧!
To continue practicing habit 1-BE PROACTIVE, we have 3 students, Alen, Chris and Jacky from G11 shared their thoughts towards “BE PROACTIVE” at Monday’s morning’s school meeting. They successfully hosted the meeting with their excellent speech. Later we praised students who practiced being proactive last week and they will get rewarded every month with treats like fried chicken and milk tea.
By doing this, we encourage more students to take actions and learn to be proactive in their daily life. Now let’s take a look at some wonderful moments on Monday morning!
“Proactive people have a place in their mind where it doesn't matter whether it is rainy or sunny outside. Proactive people have a start-to-end mindset, which means they see the ending as a new beginning . They know what they're doing. They know what they want. These are people who are more rational, rather than impulsive. They think carefully, choose their values and use them as their intrinsic motivation. They rely on their ability to shape the life they want.”