On behalf of Lee Academy in the US, all of our teachers and staff, I would like to welcome all of you to the second American Lee Academy International School graduation.
亲爱的家长朋友们,亲友们,教职工领导同志们,教员及我们尊敬的来宾朋友,还有最为重要的美国Lee Academy的毕业班同学们,欢迎来到我们第二届毕业典礼。
Imagine, when your children arrived at ALAIS, they entered as young caterpillars, crawling on tree branches and leaves, exploring the world but not certain where it would lead.
Throughout their education at ALAIS, the grew exponentially as they ate from the trees of knowledge, matured under the light of wisdom, and then spun a cocoon around themselves, where they soaked in the knowledge and wisdom and experiences of their lives and education until they have reached this moment.
This evening is a not only the official declaration that our students are graduates of American Lee Academy International School of Shanghai; it is the celebration of these young men and women – once caterpillars, then enclosed in a cocoon – who are, this very evening, breaking through their cocoons as beautiful, strong, and adventurous butterflies, fully prepared to spread their wings and fly off into the great futures they have before them.
今晚不仅仅是正式宣布我们的学生从美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)毕业; 更是庆祝Lee的毕业生们破茧而出,成为一只只美丽,勇敢和具有冒险精神的蝴蝶们,你们将展翅高飞,冲向属于你们无限可能的未来。
Before I formally pronounce these young men and women graduates of ALAIS, I would like to share a selection from one of my favorite poems, a poem that captures this moment as a moment of beginning a new journey in life.
On behalf of Lee Academy, and ALAIS teachers and staff, I now formally pronounce these young men and women graduates of American Lee Academy International School of Shanghai!
我现在代表Lee Academy和ALAIS的教职工全体成员正式宣布美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)2019届毕业生正式毕业!
——Mr. Josh Holt校长致辞(节选)