6月22日,威雅公学英制13年级学生用一场温馨的毕业晚宴来庆祝他们在威雅公学度过的美好时光。当天,所有毕业生们都盛装出席。校长Mr. Griffiths向毕业生颁发了毕业证书,为他们的中学生涯画上了完美的句号,随后中学校长Mr. Pattison为大家致告别辞。这是一个泪水交织的夜晚,虽然充满离别的不舍,但我们都知道,这些学生即将去往大学迎接更美好的人生。今年,威雅公学英制13年级的学生已经收到了以下大学录取通知书,我们相信,8月份A Level考试成绩公布后,他们都将去往理想的大学。
Year 13s celebrated their time at WAIS with a graduation dinner. All pupils attended and were presented with their graduation certificates by the Headmaster. A lovely dinner followed before a farewell speech from Mr Pattison. Many tears were shed, but we know that our graduates will go onto great things at their universities. This year Year 13 have received the following offers and we are sure that when exam results come in August they will head to the university of their choice: