下午,阳光明媚,万物可爱,领科教育上海校区在校园大草坪上举行了2020届毕业典礼。领科教育上海校区校长梁兴安、学术副校长Emmanuel N Barthalomew、副校长康健、IB负责人林雪梅、校长助理顾蓓蓓、全体教师以及家委会代表出席典礼,共同见证这一神圣时刻。
A Level毕业生代表发言
第13届A Level毕业生温迪同学,已收获1份帝国理工学院和2份伦敦大学的录取。他分享了关于学习生活的三个看法:
The first question is what’s the most valuable thing we obtained from our school life in Ulink. In my opinion, it should be our memories of the days with schoolmates and teachers. I’m quite fascinated by the ideas of “once-in-a lifetime” .Those days maybe not perfect but they’re unique. Whether those memories are sweet or bitter, whether those days are sunny or rainy, when we look back, those days become our treasures eventually. Even an experience of “detention” can be a lesson.
The second question is which skill we learned is the most important. From my point of view, it must be the critical thinking skills. We should think independently since sometimes the informations may not match, especially when we hear news from media. From different stand points of view different ideologies ,the contents of news canbe totally different.
The last question is about culture. We should try integrate into the local culture when we studied abroad and enjoy the experience of living and study, however, we should bear our culture in mind. In my point of view, we should take the essence of the foreign culture and mix it with our culture.
“We are entering the next phase of our life. We have officially come to a time when we should forget about everyone, whether it’s our parents, teachers, or our friends, to figure for yourself where to go in life. We seem to have so much free time now, but the truth is that we have less time than we think to reach for our dreams. And we have more power now than ever to either continue on our track or make a u-turn.
I have interacted with most of you in the past 4 years, and I think we have the potential and we better exceed people’s expectations. We better pursue our passions. And we better be the best versions of ourselves.”