这是一个了不起的开端,大家都十分兴奋地推动着这场挑战活动。走读生也可以通过跑步、游泳、骑车和划船来累计活动里程。不管多少米或是千米,每个人的付出都应该被记录下来,并由一名成人为之签名,或通过电子邮件发送到Mr Wood老师的邮箱:Benjamin.wood@waiscz.com
The Changzhou to Tokyo Primary Fundraiser has started with an incredible effort from the pupils, parents and staff. After the introduction to the challenge last week during assembly, the children have been eager to get underway. The pupils have put in a brilliant stint today covering 232 km onMonday. Some pupils opted to run in the morning after breakfast whilst others raced out to breaktime with their trainers on to keep the distance clock ticking over. Today dDuring ECA many of the sports groups started with a run, which is not only going to dramatically improve the fitness of our pupils but it is going to really help us to reach our end goal.
I want to say a huge thank you to the parents, families and friends of WASCZ to have generously donated to the wonderful cause that is Changzhou Orphanage. The money will make a huge difference to those less privileged than ourselves. For those children and families have not had chance to fill in their sponsorship forms should not worry. We will be able to accept money right up until November 2nd, the date the Rugby World Cup finishes.
There have also been times the children have a rest and during this time some enjoyed the opportunity to watch the World Cup games in action in the Sports Hall.
A tremendous start and one that are excited to build on. For those children who are day pupils, they are allowed to run, swim, cycle and row the distance. Any metres or kilometres covered should be written down and signed by an adult or emailed to Mr Wood Benjamin.wood@waiscz.com